Mel and I took off a little early today, I was able to leave work a little earlier and we headed up to the trails. I had found some more trails, so we went and explored those and then I took her to see the lightening tree. The bugs were really ACTIVE so we decided to stay out in the open, where the breeze was helping us fend them off.
My favorite part of this trail, is this little water crossing, it is full all winter, but will dry out in the summer. Till then we always head for it first !!
Brown Pony and Trav, loved it today, it was 87 degrees when we got to the TH. There was watering places along the trail, but this one is special.
End of our ride, the sun is setting low in the sky, the air smells so wonderful,,
Darcy's first time up at the Bingham Creek Trails, and as you see,,, lovin' it!
We ran into some friends, that were heading out, well they thought they were heading out. Good thing I asked them, and had some extra maps on me. We got them heading back in the direction of their vehicle. Then off down the trail we went!!
Exploration Station !!!
After some beautiful trails so very well maintained by the Enduro~Kings <3
We popped out onto 1725 line that dropped us onto the main line.
We hopped that till we got back to the creek and trail paralleling it.
Taveler, Powder, and I decided to explore some more area, some time back when exploring this same section I could see that there was more trail heading east.
Sure enough, when we got over to the 1690, whalla!! more trail!!
This is the "Never Ending Trail Story" I love this place !!!
On the way back we went by the Lightening Knob, I took a few more shots of this electri~fried tree.
Traveler, standing next to the special tree to give it some size, and scope. :) Right to the left of Trav, you can see the trench where the root system was blown out of the ground from lightening.
This would be the top that was blown out of the tree, it is much bigger than it looks in this photo.
Sneaking out of work Monday afternoon, paid off well.
Mine and BP's first solo ride together since she came back from Sandi's.. She exhibited a little old behavior, but it was short lived, we had a real adult conversation about poor behavior, and by the end, she came around to my way of thinking... which of course was the right way of thinking.
BP's face after our talk,,, much more agreeable :)
The lightening tree, very interesting display of God's glory, might, and power.
The sunset was a most wonderful treat considering the ride was blanketed by clouds.
Given the extra energy that BP had to behave naughty, I figured she could hammer out a few more miles, 10 to be exact,, it did her well and I am sure built some much needed positive work ethic.