Sunday, January 31, 2016

1/31/16 Last Weekend of January

Rode with me seester all week end !!!  Tons of fun :) 

1/30/16  Saturday was a 7.1 mile day

Almost back to the trailer, and it started to rain,,, it's all good !

 It rained on us a little at the beginning of our ride and a little at the end, but all points in between were great.  

Mel got along splendidly with Brown Pony :)  

1/31/16 Sunday  8.4 miles today

It looked to be turning out well in the weather department.  So we decided to hit the trail again.  

The rain has made for some wet trails, but the footing is good and solid.  

Monday, January 25, 2016

1/24/16 1st Sunny Day in a Week


The plan was stay home and do much needed work,,, 
but the sun came out to play, and I just couldn't say no.. 

I headed west out of the parking area, then north after about a mile or so I headed east across the ol' RR grade.  I did some exploring on some old road that I figured would reconnect me to some trails.  All in all it was a 10.9 mile day with lots of exploring.  Rode some new area the smaller loop on the east side of the map is all new to me. 

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Cold Afternoon

            Bingham Creek Trails is what I call this beautiful place. At the base of the South Olympic Mts. 

A cold afternoon, clouds have rolled in, and the temperature is in the low 30's.  Thankfully I plugged my truck in, and she started right up on the first turn.  Shot down to the barn, hooked up the trailer, grabbed a pony, Butters and Trav, and off down the road we went.  

   At the parking area there was only one other trailer besides me, but while I was tacking up Laura Bond Team#1 came in. She was waiting for Amy Durga Team#2,  and Ann Szolas Team#10. The crazy, fun lovin' trio below.  :) 

I finished tacking up and headed out, being I was on a mission to ride to the trail section that I had ridden with Barb Paris Team#41 and Tom, her riding sidekick.  :)   

  Barb, Tom and I rode back in October, and we rode 13 + miles but the days were much longer, and we did some exploring and marking way points for mapping purposes.  

In my haste, to get on the trail I forgot to turn my GPS on till after I had left the trailer, but I think I only lost about 4/10th of a mile, no biggy. 

January 3 ride ~ Total miles 11.48

I got back to the truck at approximately 3:55 pm, it wasn't snowing but it felt like it should be, the other girls got back just a few minutes before me, and said they had got word it was snowing down in the valley and it was sticking.  So we all put a move on it, got loaded up and headed on home.